Module proto4j.swing
Package org.proto4j.swing.annotation
Class Summary Class Description AnnotationContext<A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> The base class for the internalAnnotation
handling.Option.Query A class interpreting an option string and returning a qualifiedString
as a result. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description ActionHandler The value of this annotation describes the field(s) this EventListener will be added to.Bounds EntryPoint Before the GUI can be created anEntryPoint
should be specified as follows:GUI This annotation indicates whether the system should start generating a GUI from the annotated class.Layout The main case of this annotation is the definition of how to lay out Containers.Margin In order to add custom borders to a component or to change the border of a specific component this annotation is used.Model This annotation is used to apply various kinds of models on the annotated components.Nested Indicates that the annotated component is a nested GUI that should be generated before the generation process continues.Option TheOption
annotation is used to set general information to the annotated component.Options This annotation is used to make is possible to use multipleOption
annotations on a field or class.Position Use this annotation to place the components anywhere you like.Swing This annotation is used to include components in the GUI generation.SwingWindow In some special situations the parent component each other components are added to is a window-like component.