Class GridBagLayoutDesc

public class GridBagLayoutDesc
extends GridLayoutDesc
The basic descriptor for the GridBagLayout.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createManager

      public java.awt.LayoutManager createManager()
      Description copied from class: LayoutDesc
      Based on the configuration given by the annotations on each field, this descriptor tries to create the corresponding LayoutManager.

      Implementations of this method should return null of failure instead of throwing an exception.

      createManager in class GridLayoutDesc
      the qualified LayoutManager
    • createConstraints

      public java.lang.Object createConstraints​(ComponentDesc child)
      Description copied from class: LayoutDesc
      Creates layout constraints if possible by using extra configuration variables by the parent ComponentDesc.

      This method may return null if no constraints are defined or can be used. Another way is to throw an exception in order to show the user a misconfiguration.

      createConstraints in class GridLayoutDesc
      the layout constraints for the given child component